
Blue River Apple Second Harvest – Ebook

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Blue.River.Apple. SECOND HARVEST a continuation of Alzheimer’s through poetry –covering following two years of “how-to” wade in the salty dementia truth

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The tale of Blue.River.Apple. trilogy grew from a diagnosis of early on-set Alzheimer’s and years later, a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. It now has been ten years of poetry written depicting cognitive changes. All the while, my fingers fly across a yellow, blue-lined tablet, usually between 3:00 to 5:00a.m. still today. I want to give credit and acknowledgement that my poetry is empowered by someone far greater than Nancy Nelson (aka “dangle”).

I am honored and pleased to bring my stories to you. Hoping you’ll see woven inside my reality and my journey, perhaps a way to understand your own journey through a new lens. To elevate the perception of dementia overall, weaving in hope and ownership of how-to live one’s own life better for longer, whether you are a person living with or a person caring for, someone diagnosed.

These books are what I call, “oopsie” books. there may be a printer error, a misspelling, or a boo-boo of one kind or another—maybe, but maybe not …  You’ll not see most of the oopsies, but we want to give you every benefit in case you do.


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